Offer: Gift yourself an acupuncture treatment from a choice of ordinary, fine, or luxury carving cosmetic acupuncture at Acupuncture Northside. Acupuncture: This treatment relies on the body's natural self-healing ability to stimulate the body's natural energy to achieve the purpose of beauty. Benefits: Helps with wrinkles, face lifting, face sculpting, eye sculpting and repairs. Professional care: Team members are committed to helping you feel like the best possible you and are passionate about personalising service, from tailoring consultations to ensuring that every treatment is unique for the individual. Location: Go to Phibsborough Road in Phibsborough, Dublin. Valid: Mon-Sat, 11am -7:30 pm. Excludes bank holidays.
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€75 instead of €150 for a Ordinary Carving Cosmetic Acupuncture at Accupuncture and Beauty, Dublin or €100 for Fine Carving Cosmetic Acupuncture or €125 for Luxury Carving Cosmetic Acupuncture – save up to 50%
This deal is: €150.00 Original price was: €150.00.€75.00Current price is: €75.00.
Buy Now
SOURCE: LivingSocial
Deal Ends: N/A